Freitag, 13. Dezember 2013

Where do we listen music to?

This graphic shows a statistic about where music is listened to and how many percentage of the people use this media or location to listen to music.

My analyzation with the tension wheel:

My opinion is that the infographic is figurative because the symbol of the soundbox indicades music and the symbols of the location or media give us enough details to understand who and where people listen to music. In fact the graphic gives us enough details to understand what the infographic is exactly about.

The graphic consists of element which are important to understand the context of the infographic. So every element has a reason and is important for the context. You can’t remove them without losing the informative purpose.
The grapic is light, because the graphic is easily to follow and it doesn’t distract the viewer from the main topic. Also the simple use of symbols which indicates the location or media are easy to understand and they don’t destracte the viewers eyes.
The graphic is unidimensional because it focuses on the use of music according to the location and media. It focuses on one subjects which are linked to the main topic.

The graphic is familiar to humans from the Western culture, because we can identify the symbols easily.  how a human head and brain looks like.

The graphic is novelty because the centered illustration of the soundbox alone doesn’t give us enough details to understand what it is about. We need the different elements around the centered picture to understand the topic and the main idea of the infographic.

In my opinion this graphic could be used on a flyer or a music magazin, because it attracts quickly the attention of the viewer and it is easily to understand. You don't need a background knowledge to analyze the graphic.

Leave your comments if you like

7 Kommentare:

  1. I like very much your idea to upload a graphic and then comment it through the tension wheel.
    I really understand the graphic, not at all with the graphic but for your explanation.

    good job!!

    1. thanks for you comment. i tried to give the viewer a deeper explanation of the graphic with the tension wheel. however, i think that the graphic is easy to understand because i could imagine that you can find a graphic like this one in a magazin or a flyer.

  2. I pretty much agree with your analysis, except from the question on figurative/abstract. You say that you find it almost entirely figurative. I don't agree. The use of a chart is completely abstract, which makes the graphic more abstract in my opinion. Still not completely abstract because it uses small symbols like the house and the car - but it's still just a pictogram of a car, it is not showing a person sitting in his car listening to music (which would have made it figurative).

    1. as i mentioned in my explanation, i find the graphic figurative because the symbols explain me without text what it is about. a symbol of a house in combination with the soundbox gives me enough information that i understand that this graphic combines music with home. So without text i would understand that the topic is about listening music at home. However, i agree that in my explanation i should have put the mark closer to abstraction, because without text there is still a lack of information in the graphic.

  3. In oppossition to Andrea Fort, I think the graphic is very clear, and very easy to understand - even with you having to explain it to me. A highly intelligible infographic.

    One could say that the "rounded bar chart" is only used to fit around a loud speaker. I am not sure whether you as a professional should choose your bar charts after the figures/decoration on your infographic. Anyhow; it is a funny idea.

  4. i thought that using the tension wheel to explain the graphic in my opinion would make it easier for the viewer to understand the graphic. And as you mentioned, i chose this graphic as an example, because it is easy to understand when you watch at it.

  5. HI! I think using a tension wheel to analyze the infographic is a good way to do it, bacause it is clear, short and direct. The way you have analyzed the infographic is very understandable by everyone, and I think it is a positive point of your post!

    Concerning the infographic, I do really think that it may be accompanied by text to have full meaning, I mean, the infographic alone gives information and is very understandable, but it would perfectly fit an article in a journalistic publication for example. Any way, I repeat that I appreciate positively your clear way to analyze this infographic!
